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A main issue that tea drinkers face (especially when drinking tea "on the go") is that there is often no adequate place to dispose of their used teabag/loose tea (or to save it for later to reuse). The TEATRAP is a recyclable and disposable (and even reusable) receptacle that attaches firmly right to the tea drinker's cup, which seamlessly holds and stores the used teabag/loose tea until it's discarded or ready to be reused. They're lightweight, handy, easy to transport, easy to use, and quite honestly, they just solve a problem that has always plagued most tea drinkers; suddenly there's somewhere to get rid of that messy teabag and/or loose tea leaves, wherever one may be! So, come on: it's time to trap your tea.
To check out the most amazing teatrap rap: CLICK HERE
Reusable, Recyclable, Original.